Description: Layer identifies the location of transportation terminals throughout Grenada. Data for the attribute table was collected from Grenada Port Authority. The data represents a specific time period. Transport terminals include commuter terminals for buses, inter-island ferries and cruise ship terminals. <a href='xml/grd_inf_transportterminals_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012). Grenada Port Authority
Description: Layer identifies the location of ports (seaports) throughout Grenada along with the number of ship calls, type of facility, and the infrastructure type. Data obtained from the Grenada Ports Authority for all ports except the fuel terminal at Grand Mal data represent the time period 2009 -2010. <a href='xml/grd_inf_ports_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and updated by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies the locations of airports throughout the Grenada along with the number of flights annually and number of employees, data for this file was obtain from The Grenada Airports Authority data provided represents the time period 2009 -2010. <a href='xml/grd_inf_airports_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and updated by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Roads for the country of Grenada were digitized from WorldView2 2010 photos. <a href='xml/gsvg_inf_roads.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Building footprints for Grenada were digitized from WorldView2 2010 photos. <a href='xml/gsvg_inf_buildingfootprints.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Layer created to identify electric plants and their capacity throughout Grenada. Data provided by Grenada Electricity Services Ltd. (GRENLEC) <a href='xml/grd_inf_electricplants_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies the location of cell phone towers throughout the state of Grenada, location data obtained from The National Telecom Regulatory Commission (Grenada). <a href='xml/grd_inf_celltowers_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer created to identify sewage stations throughout Grenada. Attempts were made to retrieve capacity data from the National Water and Sewage Authority but were unsuccessful. <a href='xml/grd_inf_sewagestations_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies water treatment facilities throughout Grenada which includes dams, filter systems, storage tanks and reservoirs. The attribute table was completed using data provided by Ms. Marcia Lawrence of the National Water and Sewage Authority GIS Department, however 14 of the 37 water treatment plants had no available data. No water infrastructure was made available for St. Vincent and Grenadines. "No Data" is represented as "-9999" in the attribute table. <a href='xml/grd_inf_water_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012). Ms. Marcia Lawrence of the National Water and Sewage Authority GIS Department
Description: Hospitals, clinics and medical stations throughout the state of Grenada. <a href='xml/grd_inf_medfacilities_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies emergency shelters throughout the state of Grenada, which are typically church buildings, schools and other suitable structures, attribute table is incomplete because capacity data is not known by the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA). <a href='xml/grd_inf_emergencyshelters_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012) list of shelters obtain from NaDMA.
Description: Layer created to indentify fire stations throughout the state of Grenada. Fire service is operated by the Royal Grenada Police Force. <a href='xml/grd_inf_firestations_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry Mitchell from The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Police stations, police outpost and coast guard facilities throughout the state of Grenada. Attribute table is incomplete. The Royal Grenada Police Force did not provide all data requested. <a href='xml/grd_inf_policestations_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for the Nature Conservancy (2012).
Description: Layer identifies the location of religious centers throughout Grenada along with the number of members at each institution. The centers represent all the major/recognized institutions icluding Anglican, Catholic, Pentecostal, Methodist Adventist and the Islamic centers. <a href='xml/grd_inf_religiouscenters_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Learning institutions throughout Grenada. All levels of the education system, including primary (K-6), secondary and tertiary levels are represented. Capacity data is based on the school year 2011 statistics. <a href='xml/grd_inf_schools_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012). School statistics were contributed by the Windward Islands Research and Educational Foundation (WINDREF).
Description: The mangrove file was created for the AWE Project being run by the Nature Conservancy. The dataset is complilation of 5 different datasets and contributors. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_mangroves_2007_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: A simple rule-based model was used to identify areas where mangroves could potentially move based on impediments to landward migration, and contiguity to existing mangroves. Mangrove migration impediments used in this analysis were buildings, roads, slopes greater than or equal to 10%, and elevations greater than or equal to 5 feet. In application, the mangrove migration analysis selected all landward areas that were contiguous to existing mangroves until it reached an abovementioned impediment. <a href='xml/gsvg_moot_mangrovemigrationarea_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The coral reef file was created for the AWE Project being run by the Nature Conservancy. Six (6) coral reef datasets were used in creating just this one file. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_coralreef.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: These data represent rocky shore in Grenada. Polygons for the country of Grenada were digitized from WorldView2 2010 orthophotos. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_rockyshores_2007_2010.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: These data represent beaches in Grenada. Polygons for the country of Grenada were digitized from WorldView2 2010 orthophotos. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_beaches_2007_2010.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: These data are of the seagrasses of Grenada. The dataset is a complilation of effort by different contributors and combines different datasets. The spatial information comes from four (4) different datasets. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_seagrasses.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Mangrove Vulnerability to 1m Sea Level Rise. Eight measurable variables were selected to characterize mangrove vulnerability at the mangrove patch level. The mangrove vulnerability index equation was as follows: Mangrove Vulnerability = shape + size + openness + SLR Exposure + habitat type + species richness + watershed index + (migration index * 2). <a href='xml/gsvg_moot_mangrove_20120828.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Completed in 2012 by Ben Gilmer of the Nature Conservancy. Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: Mangrove Vulnerability to 2m Sea Level Rise. Eight measurable variables were selected to characterize mangrove vulnerability at the mangrove patch level. The mangrove vulnerability index equation was as follows: Mangrove Vulnerability = shape + size + openness + SLR Exposure + habitat type + species richness + watershed index + (migration index * 2). <a href='xml/gsvg_moot_mangrove_20120828.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Layer created to identify banks, credit unions and other financial institution throughout the state of Grenada. Attempts were made to collect number of accounts at institution but were unsuccessful. <a href='xml/grd_soec_financialinstitutions_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies the location of public (state owned) and private (church owned) cemeteries throughout the state of Grenada, Family cemeteries are not included in this layer. Location and name of cemteries obtain from Ministry of Health and local funneral services companines. <a href='xml/grd_soec_cemeteries_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012).
Description: The landfills file was created for the AWE Project being run by the Nature Conservancy. Three (3) landfill datasets were used in creating just this one file. <a href='xml/grd_moth_landfills.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: This is the extent of all dry land below 1 meter using the 1 meter DEM mosaic for both Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It is being used to model a 1 meter rise in sea level rise. <a href='/xml/gsvg_clm_slr_1m.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: This is the extent of all dry land below 2 meter using the 1 meter DEM mosaic for both Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It is being used to model a 2 meter rise in sea level rise. <a href='/xml/gsvg_clm_slr_2m.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Name: Storm Surge_100 year Flood (1% annual chance)
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: To estimate the 100-year storm event, HURWave, a program that combines the NOAA database of hurricane tracks with advanced wind-distribution algorithms, was used to model deep-water wave conditions and estimate a 100-year storm return period and worst-case (maximum condition) approach for eight directional sectors within the Grenadine Bank. <a href='/xml/gsvg_clm_100yrflood_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Both Lenny (1999 –category 4) and Ivan (2004 - upgraded to a category 5) hurricane tracks and all associated storm parameters (e.g. maximum wind speed, central and ambient pressure) were extracted from the NOAA database. The MIKE 21 program was able to estimate storm surge levels by tracking a number of factors within a “flexible computationalmesh” environment that computes wave and hydrodynamics. <a href='/xml/gsvg_clm_ivan_noslr_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Both Lenny (1999 –category 4) and Ivan (2004 - upgraded to a category 5) hurricane tracks and all associated storm parameters (e.g. maximum wind speed, central and ambient pressure) were extracted from the NOAA database. The MIKE 21 program was able to estimate storm surge levels by tracking a number of factors within a “flexible computationalmesh” environment that computes wave and hydrodynamics. <a href='/xml/gsvg_clm_lenny_noslr_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Name: Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny with 1 meter Sea Level Rise
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Both Lenny (1999 –category 4) and Ivan (2004 - upgraded to a category 5) hurricane tracks and all associated storm parameters (e.g. maximum wind speed, central and ambient pressure) were extracted from the NOAA database. The MIKE 21 program was able to estimate storm surge levels by tracking a number of factors within a “flexible computationalmesh” environment that computes wave and hydrodynamics. <a href='/xml/gsvg_clm_lenny_1mslr_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Name: Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny with 2 meter Sea Level Rise
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Both Lenny (1999 –category 4) and Ivan (2004 - upgraded to a category 5) hurricane tracks and all associated storm parameters (e.g. maximum wind speed, central and ambient pressure) were extracted from the NOAA database. The MIKE 21 program was able to estimate storm surge levels by tracking a number of factors within a “flexible computationalmesh” environment that computes wave and hydrodynamics. <a href='/xml/gsvg_clm_lenny_2mslr_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Name: Access to Critical Infrastructure and Facilities
Display Field: PNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: We took the variables from both 2001 and 2011 and scaled them together to create this indicator. Data from all 3 indicators of Senstivity for both 2001 and 2011 (6 data sets total) were quantiled together to determine the category ranges. This allows for comparison both across the different indicators as well as between years. This indicator is made up of 4 groups of variables: Access to transportation terminals (per 100 people: airports, bus, ferry, and port terminals), Access to critical facilities (per 100 people: water treatment plants, cell towers, electricity plants, sewage stations), Access to emergency response facilities (per 100 people: fire, police, medical, hurricane shelters), and Access to roads (number of people per road mile). All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create an Access to Critical Infrastructure and Facilities indicator as part of the Sensitivity Sub-Index. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_Sensitivity_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We took the variables from both 2001 and 2011 and scaled them together to create this indicator. Data from all 3 indicators of Senstivity for both 2001 and 2011 (6 data sets total) were quantiled together to determine the category ranges. This allows for comparison both across the different indicators as well as between years. This indicator is made up of 3 variables: Share of population that is very old or very young, Share of population without access to vehicles, and Share of the population without access to emergency information. All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create a Dependent Demographic Groups indicator as part of the Sensitivity Sub-Index. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_Sensitivity_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Name: Livelihood Dependence on Marine Goods and Services
Display Field: PNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: We took the variables from both 2001 and 2011 and scaled them together to create this indicator. Data from all 3 indicators of Senstivity for both 2001 and 2011 (6 data sets total) were quantiled together to determine the category ranges. This allows for comparison both across the different indicators as well as between years. This indicator is made up of 2 variables: Dependence on fisheries for jobs and Dependence on tourism for jobs. These variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create a Livelihood on Dependence on marine goods and services indicator as part of the Sensitivity Sub-Index. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_Sensitivity_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We took the variables from both 2001 and 2011 and scaled them together to create this indicator. Data from all 3 indicators of Adaptive Capacity for both 2001 and 2011 (6 data sets total) were quantiled together to determine the category ranges. This allows for comparison both across the different indicators as well as between years. This indicator is made up of 3 variables: available workforce, access to social networks, and highest level of education attained. All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create a Human and Civic Resources indicator as part of the Adaptive Capacity Sub-Index. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_AdaptiveCapacity_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We took the variables from both 2001 and 2011 and scaled them together to create this indicator. Data from all 3 indicators of Adaptive Capacity for both 2001 and 2011 (6 data sets total) were quantiled together to determine the category ranges. This allows for comparison both across the different indicators as well as between years. This indicator is made up of 3 variables: share of population with health insurance, number of disabilities per 100 people, and infant mortality. All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create a Healthy Population indicator as part of the Adaptive Capacity Sub-Index. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_AdaptiveCapacity_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We took the variables from both 2001 and 2011 and scaled them together to create this indicator. Data from all 3 indicators of Adaptive Capacity for both 2001 and 2011 (6 data sets total) were quantiled together to determine the category ranges. This allows for comparison both across the different indicators as well as between years. This indicator is made up of 2 variables: share of population with property insurance and alternative supplemental livelihood. All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create an Economic Resources indicator as part of the Adaptive Capacity Sub-Index. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_AdaptiveCapacity_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We took the variables from both 2001 and 2011 and scaled them together to create this sub-index. 2001 data was quantiled into 5 categories. 2011 categories were then set to the same ranges. This allows us to compare directly between the two years.
This sub-index is made up of 3 indicators representing a combination of 9 variables: Access to Critical Infrastructure and Facilities (access to transportation terminals, access to critical facilities, access to emergency response facilities, access to raods), Dependent Demographic Groups (share of population that is very old or very young, share of population without access to vehicles, share of the population without access to emergency information), and Livelihood Dependence on Marine Goods and Services (dependence on fisheries for jobs, dependence on tourism for jobs). All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create a Sensitivity Sub-Index. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_Sensitivity_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We took the variables from both 2001 and 2011 and scaled them together to create this sub-index. 2001 data was quantiled into 5 categories. 2011 categories were then set to the same ranges. This allows us to compare directly between the two years.
This sub-index is made up of 3 indicators representing a combination of 8 variables: Human and Civic Resources (available workforce, access to social networks, highest level of education attained), Healthy Population (share of population with health insurance, number of disabilities per 100 people, infant mortality), and Economic Resources (share of population with property insurance and alternative supplemental livelihood). All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create an Adaptive Capacity Sub-Index. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_AdaptiveCapacity_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: This sub-index is made up of 5 variables: Critical Facilities Exposure, Road Exposure, Building Exposure, Livelihood Exposure, and Community Exposure. All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create an Exposure Sub-Index.
We took the 4 inundation scenarios for both 2001 and 2011 (8 total) and found the scenario with the smallest exposure range. That scenario was quantiled into 5 categories. The other 7 scenarios were then manually set to those same category ranges. This allows us to compare directly between each scenario and across the two years. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_Exposure_2011.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: This sub-index is made up of 5 variables: Critical Facilities Exposure, Road Exposure, Building Exposure, Livelihood Exposure, and Community Exposure. All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create an Exposure Sub-Index.
We took the 4 inundation scenarios for both 2001 and 2011 (8 total) and found the scenario with the smallest exposure range. That scenario was quantiled into 5 categories. The other 7 scenarios were then manually set to those same category ranges. This allows us to compare directly between each scenario and across the two years. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_Exposure_2011.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: This sub-index is made up of 5 variables: Critical Facilities Exposure, Road Exposure, Building Exposure, Livelihood Exposure, and Community Exposure. All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create an Exposure Sub-Index.
We took the 4 inundation scenarios for both 2001 and 2011 (8 total) and found the scenario with the smallest exposure range. That scenario was quantiled into 5 categories. The other 7 scenarios were then manually set to those same category ranges. This allows us to compare directly between each scenario and across the two years. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_Exposure_2011.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: This sub-index is made up of 5 variables: Critical Facilities Exposure, Road Exposure, Building Exposure, Livelihood Exposure, and Community Exposure. All of these variables were calculated for each enumeration district and used to create an Exposure Sub-Index.
We took the 4 inundation scenarios for both 2001 and 2011 (8 total) and found the scenario with the smallest exposure range. That scenario was quantiled into 5 categories. The other 7 scenarios were then manually set to those same category ranges. This allows us to compare directly between each scenario and across the two years. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_Exposure_2011.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We developed a Vulnerability Index to measure the vulnerability of communities to inundation from present day and future scenario flooding events. The total Vulnerability Index was derived from three sub-indices representing Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity. We took the 4 inundation scenarios for both 2001 and 2011 (8 total) and found the scenario with the smallest vulnerability range. That scenario was quantiled into 5 categories. The other 7 scenarios were then manually set to those same category ranges. This allows us to compare directly between each scenario and across the two years. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_VulnerabilityIndex_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We developed a Vulnerability Index to measure the vulnerability of communities to inundation from present day and future scenario flooding events. The total Vulnerability Index was derived from three sub-indices representing Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity.
We took the 4 inundation scenarios for both 2001 and 2011 (8 total) and found the scenario with the smallest vulnerability range. That scenario was quantiled into 5 categories. The other 7 scenarios were then manually set to those same category ranges. This allows us to compare directly between each scenario and across the two years. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_VulnerabilityIndex_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We developed a Vulnerability Index to measure the vulnerability of communities to inundation from present day and future scenario flooding events. The total Vulnerability Index was derived from three sub-indices representing Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity.
We took the 4 inundation scenarios for both 2001 and 2011 (8 total) and found the scenario with the smallest vulnerability range. That scenario was quantiled into 5 categories. The other 7 scenarios were then manually set to those same category ranges. This allows us to compare directly between each scenario and across the two years. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_VulnerabilityIndex_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: We developed a Vulnerability Index to measure the vulnerability of communities to inundation from present day and future scenario flooding events. The total Vulnerability Index was derived from three sub-indices representing Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity.
We took the 4 inundation scenarios for both 2001 and 2011 (8 total) and found the scenario with the smallest vulnerability range. That scenario was quantiled into 5 categories. The other 7 scenarios were then manually set to those same category ranges. This allows us to compare directly between each scenario and across the two years. A description of how each field was calculated can be found in the Field and Subtypes part of the metadata. <a href='xml/gsvg_grd_moot_VulnerabilityIndex_2011_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Fish markets in Grenada. The Nature Conservancy is working with the Fisheries Division to fill in as much information as possible for each fish market, but at time of creation this information was not collected by the Fisheries Division. <a href='xml/grd_soec_fishmarkets_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry Mitchell with the assistance of the fisheries division staff for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer created to identify fishing gear storage facilities throughout the state of Grenada. Locker facilities are typically a series of concrete buildings with individual storage rooms usually (4x6 ft) with wooden doors. <a href='xml/grd_inf_fishgearstorage_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer created to identify emergency fishing gear storage facilities/areas throughout Grenada. There are no officially designated emergency fishing gear storage facilities in Grenada, however vacant lots and playng fields are often used in emergancy sitituations. <a href='xml/grd_inf_fishgearstoreemerg_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Ship building sites throughout the state of Grenada. Sites include both traditional sloops and recent pirogue design. <a href='xml/grd_soec_shipbuilding_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Primary and secondary landing sites in Grenada. At time of completion, the attribute table was incomplete pending more research by TNC and the Fisheries Division. <a href='xml/grd_soec_landingsites_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Number of people employed in the fishing "industry" by enumeration district in 2001.<a href='xml/grd_poli_edcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Layer indentifies the location of diver centers/dive shops throughout the state of Grenada. The attribute table incomplete pending data from the Grenada Scuba Diving Association (GSDA). <a href='xml/grd_soec_divecenters_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Hotel location including the facilities included at each hotel in Grenada. Attribute table includes the number beds, the number of rooms, whether the hotel is on the water, if A/C is available. The number of beds has not been completely filled out because this information isn't readily available. <a href='xml/grd_inf_hotels_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012). Hotel data provided by the Greanada Board of Tourism (GBT)
Description: Layer identifies the location of marinas throughout Grenada along with their carrying capacity (slip and Berths). Attempts were made to collect data from all marinas operating in Grenada however, three of the marina operation did not provided capacity data. <a href='xml/grd_inf_marinas_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and updated by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conervancy (2012)
Description: Number of person employed in Hotels/Restaurants by enumeration district in 2001. <a href='xml/grd_poli_edcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: This is the extent of all dry land in the Grenville pilot site area below 1 meter using the 1 meter LiDAR surface from the filtered LiDAR points using nearest neighbor interpolation. It is being used to model a 1 meter rise in sea level rise. <a href='xml/grd_clm_grenville1mslr_2007.xml'
Copyright Text: Completed in 2013 by Steve Schill of the Nature Conservancy. Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: This is the extent of all dry land in the Grenville pilot site area below 2 meter using the 1 meter LiDAR surface from the filtered LiDAR points using nearest neighbor interpolation.It is being used to model a 2 meter rise in sea level rise. <a href='xml/grd_clm_grenville2mslr_2007.xml'
Copyright Text: Completed in 2013 by Steve Schill of the Nature Conservancy. Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Grenville, Grenada in April 2013. This layer represents sea channel locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the lines placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas have not been groundtruthed. <a href='xml/grd_grenville_mar_seachannel_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: The product was created through object-oriented mapping using Definiens eCognition software allowing spectral, textural, edge-detection, and landscape properties of the seafloor features to be applied in classification workflow. This final map maintains the native resolution of the WV2 imagery (2-m by 2-m). <a href='xml/grd_benhab_grenvillearea_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Robert Gardiner and Gwilym Rowlands, National Coral Reef Institute, Oceanographic Center, Nova Southeastern University, 8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, Florida, 33004, USA. Email: Phone: 954-262-3647 Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Grenville, Grenada in April 2013. This layer represents sea moss farming locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the points placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas have not been groundtruthed. <a href='xml/grd_grenville_mar_seamossfarming_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Grenville, Grenada in April 2013. This layer represents boat building locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the points placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas have not been groundtruthed and most likely are not located over the correct buildings. <a href='xml/grd_grenville_soec_boatbuilding_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Grenville, Grenada in April 2013. This layer represents the religious centers that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the points placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these points have not been groundtruthed and most likely are not located over the correct buildings. <a href='xml/grd_grenville_inf_religiouscenters_2013.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Grenville, Grenada in April 2013. This layer represents the recreational areas that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the areas placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas have not been groundtruthed. <a href='xml/grd_grenville_soec_recreationalareas_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Grenville, Grenada in April 2013. This layer represents the sand mining areas that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the areas placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas have not been groundtruthed. <a href='xml/grd_grenville_moth_sandmining_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: A digital elevation model (DEM) representing seafloor topography was derived from the visible bands of the WorldView-2 (WV2) satellite imagery using field data and a statistical model. Geolocated water depth estimates were gathered using an acoustic depth sounder attached to a small research vessel. <a href='xml/grd_bath_grenvilleareaWV2_2010.xml'
Copyright Text: Robert Gardiner and Gwilym Rowlands, National Coral Reef Institute, Oceanographic Center, Nova Southeastern University, 8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, Florida, 33004, USA. Email:
Phone: 954-262-3647
Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2013. This layer represents pond locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the areas placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas has not been groundtruthed and in cases where no obvious water was seen on imagery, was simply guessed at. <a href='xml/svg_union_fw_ponds_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: The product was created through object-oriented mapping using Definiens eCognition software allowing spectral, textural, edge-detection, and landscape properties of the seafloor features to be applied in classification workflow. This final map maintains the native resolution of the WV2 imagery (2-m by 2-m). <a href='xml/svg_benhab_unionisland_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Robert Gardiner and Gwilym Rowlands, National Coral Reef Institute, Oceanographic Center, Nova Southeastern University, 8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, Florida, 33004, USA. Email: Phone: 954-262-3647 Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2013. This layer represents sea moss farming locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the areas placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas has not been groundtruthed and in cases where no obvious water was seen on imagery, was simply guessed at. <a href='xml/svg_union_mar_seamossfarming_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2013. This layer represents recreational area locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the points placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas has not been groundtruthed and in cases where no obvious water was seen on imagery, was simply guessed at. <a href='xml/svg_union_soec_recreationalareas_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2013. This layer represents water collection locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the areas placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas has not been groundtruthed. <a href='xml/svg_union_fw_watercollection_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2013. This layer represents sea defense locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the areas placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas has not been groundtruthed. <a href='xml/svg_union_inf_seadefenses_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2013. This layer represents wharf locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the areas placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas has not been groundtruthed. <a href='xml/svg_union_inf_wharf_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: These layers were created from the P3DM model that was created in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2013. This layer represents dive site locations that were marked on the model by community members. As no scale was used during the process, many of the actual locations had to be guessed based on the areas placed on the model and actual imagery. The location of these areas has not been groundtruthed. <a href='xml/svg_union_soec_divesite_2013.xml'
Copyright Text: Layer created by Lynnette Roth of TNC (2013). Contact Conservation Information Manager
Description: A digital elevation model (DEM) representing seafloor topography was derived from the visible bands of the WorldView-2 (WV2) satellite imagery using field data and a statistical model. Geolocated water depth estimates were gathered using an acoustic depth sounder attached to a small research vessel. <a href='xml/svg_bath_union_WV2.xml'
Copyright Text: Robert Gardiner and Gwilym Rowlands, National Coral Reef Institute, Oceanographic Center, Nova Southeastern University, 8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, Florida, 33004, USA. Email: Phone: 954-262-3647 Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: This is the extent of all dry land below 1 meter using the 1 meter DEM mosaic for both Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It is being used to model a 1 meter rise in sea level rise. <a href='xml/gsvg_clm_slr_1m.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: This is the extent of all dry land below 2 meter using the 1 meter DEM mosaic for both Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It is being used to model a 2 meter rise in sea level rise. <a href='xml/gsvg_clm_slr_2m.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Name: Storm Surge_100 year Flood (1% annual chance)
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: To estimate the 100-year storm event, HURWave, a program that combines the NOAA database of hurricane tracks with advanced wind-distribution algorithms, was used to model deep-water wave conditions and estimate a 100-year storm return period and worst-case (maximum condition) approach for eight directional sectors within the Grenadine Bank. <a href='xml/gsvg_clm_100yrflood_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Both Lenny (1999 –category 4) and Ivan (2004 - upgraded to a category 5) hurricane tracks and all associated storm parameters (e.g. maximum wind speed, central and ambient pressure) were extracted from the NOAA database. The MIKE 21 program was able to estimate storm surge levels by tracking a number of factors within a “flexible computational mesh” environment that computes wave and hydrodynamics. <a href='xml/gsvg_clm_ivan_noslr_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Both Lenny (1999 –category 4) and Ivan (2004 - upgraded to a category 5) hurricane tracks and all associated storm parameters (e.g. maximum wind speed, central and ambient pressure) were extracted from the NOAA database. The MIKE 21 program was able to estimate storm surge levels by tracking a number of factors within a “flexible computational mesh” environment that computes wave and hydrodynamics. <a href='xml/gsvg_clm_lenny_noslr_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Name: Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny with 1 meter Sea Level Rise
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Both Lenny (1999 –category 4) and Ivan (2004 - upgraded to a category 5) hurricane tracks and all associated storm parameters (e.g. maximum wind speed, central and ambient pressure) were extracted from the NOAA database. The MIKE 21 program was able to estimate storm surge levels by tracking a number of factors within a “flexible computational mesh” environment that computes wave and hydrodynamics. <a href='xml/gsvg_clm_lenny_1mslr_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Name: Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny with 2 meter Sea Level Rise
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: Both Lenny (1999 –category 4) and Ivan (2004 - upgraded to a category 5) hurricane tracks and all associated storm parameters (e.g. maximum wind speed, central and ambient pressure) were extracted from the NOAA database. The MIKE 21 program was able to estimate storm surge levels by tracking a number of factors within a “flexible computational mesh” environment that computes wave and hydrodynamics. <a href='xml/gsvg_clm_lenny_2mslr_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The mangrove file was created for the AWE Project being run by the Nature Conservancy. The dataset is complilation of 5 different datasets and contributors. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_mangroves_2007_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: A simple rule-based model was used to identify areas where mangroves could potentially move based on impediments to landward migration, and contiguity to existing mangroves. Mangrove migration impediments used in this analysis were buildings, roads, slopes greater than or equal to 10%, and elevations greater than or equal to 5 feet. In application, the mangrove migration analysis selected all landward areas that were contiguous to existing mangroves until it reached an abovementioned impediment. <a href='xml/gsvg_moot_mangrovemigrationarea_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Completed in 2012 by Ben Gilmer of the Nature Conservancy. Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: The coral reef file was created for the AWE Project being run by the Nature Conservancy. Three (3) coral reef datasets were used in creating just this one file. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_coralreef.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: These data represent rocky shore in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG). SVG polygons were digitzed from 2007 aerial photos. Digitization was limited to the 10 meter elevation contour. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_rockyshores_2007_2010.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: These data represent beaches in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG). SVG polygons were digitzed from 2007 aerial photos. Digitization was limited to the 10 meter elevation contour. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_beaches_2007_2010.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: These data are of the seagrasses of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The dataset is a complilation of effort by different contributors and combines different datasets. The spatial information comes from two (2) different datasets. <a href='xml/gsvg_mar_seagrasses.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Mangrove Vulnerability to 1m Sea Level Rise. Eight measurable variables were selected to characterize mangrove vulnerability at the mangrove patch level. The mangrove vulnerability index equation was as follows: Mangrove Vulnerability = shape + size + openness + SLR Exposure + habitat type + species richness + watershed index + (migration index * 2). <a href='xml/gsvg_moot_mangrove_20120828.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Completed in 2012 by Ben Gilmer of the Nature Conservancy. Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: Mangrove Vulnerability to 2m Sea Level Rise. Eight measurable variables were selected to characterize mangrove vulnerability at the mangrove patch level. The mangrove vulnerability index equation was as follows: Mangrove Vulnerability = shape + size + openness + SLR Exposure + habitat type + species richness + watershed index + (migration index * 2). <a href='xml/gsvg_moot_mangrove_20120828.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Completed in 2012 by Ben Gilmer of the Nature Conservancy. Contact Conservation Information Manager,
Description: Roads for St. Vincent and the Grenadines were digitzed from 2007 aerial photos, provided by the Physiscal Planning Department (Dornett Hull). <a href='xml/gsvg_inf_roads.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Building footprints for St. Vincent and the Grenadines were digitized from the 2007 aerial imagery. <a href='xml/gsvg_inf_buildingfootprints.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Layer identifies the location of electric power plants throughout St Vincent and The Grenadines. These plants include the two diesel power plants located at Cane Hall and Lowman’s Bay, and three hydro powered facilities located at South Rivers, Cumberland, and Richmond. The Grenadine islands are diesel powered and operated by St Vincent Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC) except on the island of Mustique which is privately operated. <a href='xml/svg_inf_electricplants_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: This data was obtained by Jerry Mitchell of Grenada through Ms. Apollo Knights of St. Vincent and Grenadines National Telecom. Regulatory Commission as an Excel Spreadsheet of coordinates and names. These coordinates were converted from DMS to DD by John Knowles of the Conservancy. <a href='xml/svg_inf_celltowers_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Medical facilities throughout St Vincent and The Grenadines. Facilities include village clinics, regional health centers and hospitals. Attribute data obtained from Ministry of Health SVG (Chief Medical Officer Milton Cato Hospital). <a href='xml/svg_inf_medfacilities_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and update by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies the location of hurricane or emergency shelters throughout St Vincent and the Grenadines. These shelters include various suitable infrastructures such as schools, resource centers, houses and churches. The attribute table was completed using the 2011 Emergency shelter capacity and amenities list provided by the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO). <a href='xml/svg_inf_emergencyshelters_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and update by Jerry J Mitchell for The Natre Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies the location of fire stations/fire departments throughout the state of St Vincent and the Grenadines. The fire department is operated by the Royal St Vincent and The Grenadines Police Force except for the island of Mustique which is operated privately by the Mustique Company. <a href='xml/svg_inf_firestations_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Police stations, prisons and coast guard facilities throughout the state of St Vincent and the Grenadines. The attribute table is incomplete pending data (number of vehicles) from the Royal St Vincent and The Grenadines Police Force. <a href='xml/svg_inf_policestations_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies the location of religious centers throughout St Vincent and the Grenadines. The centers represent all the major/recognized institutions icluding Anglican, Catholic, Pentecostal, Methodist, and Seventh Day Adventist. Other minor detonations are also represented include Latter Day Saints, Baptist, and Wesleyan. <a href='xml/svg_inf_religiouscenters_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and updated by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Learning institutions throughout St. Vincent and The Grenadines which include primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, private and public owned. The attribute table is complete. The data used was provided by the Ministry of Education, St Vincent and The Grenadines. <a href='xml/svg_inf_schools_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012).
Description: Layer identifies the location of transportation terminals throughout St Vincent and the Grenadines which includes sea terminals and land base terminals (buses). Sea terminals includes inter island passenger and general cargo ferry services. <a href='xml/svg_inf_transportterminals_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies airports throughout the state of St Vincent and The Grenadines, attribute tables completed using data provided by the St Vincent and The Grenadines Airport Authority statistics used are the year 2011. <a href='xml/svg_inf_airports_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and updated by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Seaports throughout the state of St Vincent and The Grenadines which include cargo, cruise ship terminal and inter-island ports. The attribute table is incomplete mainly because ship calls throughout the Grenadines islands are not readily available. <a href='xml/svg_inf_ports_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012) attribute data obtain from the St Vincent and The Grenadines Port Authority Annual Statistical Digest 2010 edition.
Name: St. Vincent and the Grenadines census division
Display Field: cdname
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Layer identifies census divisions for the 2001 census. The file was received from the SVG Physical Planning department and was edited by TNC to better line up the boundaries with orthorectified imagery. <a href='xml/svg_poli_censusdivisions_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Phyiscal Planning Department and TNC. Data collected from the SVG Census Department.
Description: The total number of people per census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The total population density per census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The total number of housing units per census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The housing unit density by census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The percentage of population under the age of 5 by census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The percentage of population over the age of 65 by census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The percentage of households without internet by census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The percentage of households without radio by census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: The percentage of households without vehicles by census division in the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines based on the 2001 census. <a href='xml/svg_poli_cdcensusraw_2001.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Description: Fish markets in St Vincent and The Grenadines. The Nature Conservancy is working with the Fisheries Division to fill in as much information as possible for each fish market, but at time of creation this information was not collected by the Fisheries Division. <a href='xml/svg_soec_fishmarkets_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and updated by Jerry Mitchell with the assistance of the fisheries division staff for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer created to identify fishing gear storage facilities throughout the state of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Storage facilities referred to as fishermen lockers used mainly for the storing fishing lines, hooks, engine spare parts and other fishing equipment. <a href='xml/svg_inf_fishgearstorage_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies the location of ship/boat building sites throughout the state of St Vincent and The Grenadines. Sites include both active and historical. <a href='xml/svg_soec_shipbuilding_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Edited and updated by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies fish landing sites throughout the state of St Vincent and The Grenadines. Landing sites are classified as primary(sites where fish processing facilities are available including freezers, cleaning areas etc), secondary(site where minimal facilities are available including scales for weighing and stalls for vending) and teritary sites (typically landing sites without any fish processing facilities such as sites at village beaches, bays etc). <a href='xml/svg_soec_landingsites_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer identifies recreational dive shops (diver centers) throughout the state of St Vincent and The Grenadines. The attribute table is incomplete pending annual customer data from dive shops dive shop data obtain from St Vincent and The Grenadines Board of Tourism website. <a href='xml/svg_soec_divecenters_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Hotels throughout St Vincent and The Grenadines, which include villas, hotels, guest houses and apartments. Attribute table data obtain from the St Vincent and The Grenadines, Ministry of Tourism 2010 accommodation digest and includes information on whether the property is ocean front, has A/C, number of rooms and number of beds. Unfortunately, bed numbers are not readily available. <a href='xml/svg_inf_hotels_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Marinas througout St Vincent and The Grenadines. The attribute table is complete (capacity, name, and number of slips) with maximum capacity of boats marinas can accomodate information obtain from individual marina operations. <a href='xml/svg_inf_marinas_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Layer created to identify banks, credit unions and other financial institution throughout the state of St Vincent and The Grenadines. <a href='xml/svg_soec_financialinstitutions_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: Public (state owned) and private (church owned) cemeteries for St Vincent and the Grenadines. The attribute table is completed (small family plots are not identified). <a href='xml/svg_soec_cemeteries_2012.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Created by Jerry J Mitchell for The Nature Conservancy (2012)
Description: The landfills file was created for the AWE Project being run by the Nature Conservancy. Three (3) landfill datasets were used in creating just this one file. <a href='xml/svg_moth_landfills.xml' target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>