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Ocean_Wealth (MapServer)
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Document Name:
Global Datasets(0)
Tourism & Recreation(1)
Recreational Fishing Catch Scores - Low Res - 39 countries(160)
Recreational Fishing Catch Scores - Medium Res - 21 countries(161)
Recreational Fishing Catch Scores - High Res - 4 countries(159)
Modelled Total Dollar Value of Reef Tourism (per km2)(2)
Modelled Total Visitation Value of Coral Reefs (per km2)(3)
Global Mangrove Tourism (Number of reviews up to end of 2015)(4)
Coastal Protection(5)
(Burke & Spalding 2022)(6)
Number of people avoiding damage from flooding per decade(7)
Economic values (GDP - PPP) protected from flooding per decade(8)
Infrastructure/NTL protected from flooding per decade (9)
Fringing reefs providing protection to people(10)
Barrier reefs providing protection to people (11)
Fringing reefs providing protection to economic values GDP-PPP (12)
Barrier reefs providing protection to economic values GDP-PPP (13)
Fringing reefs providing protection to infrastructure/NTL (14)
Barrier reefs providing protection to people infrastructure/NTL (15)
(Beck et al. 2018)(16)
Annual Expected Benefits of Corals(17)
Annual Expected Benefit to People (No.) (18)
Annual Expected Benefit ($ Millions)(19)
Benefits of Corals with 1 in 25-year storm (20)
People Protected (No.)(21)
Built Capital Protected ($ Millions)(22)
Annual Expected Benefit of Mangroves(23)
Annual Expected Benefit to People (No.) (24)
Annual Expected Benefit ($ Millions)(25)
Recreational Fishing Catch Scores - Low Res - 39 countries(162)
Recreational Fishing Catch Scores - Medium Res - 21 countries(163)
Recreational Fishing Catch Scores - High Res - 4 countries(164)
Modeled Mangrove Commercial Finfish Enhancement(27)
Modeled Mangrove Commercial Invertebrate Enhancement(28)
Modeled Coral Reef Fisheries Catch(29)
Carbon Storage and Sequestration(30)
SOC in Tidal Marshes (0- 30 cm)(166)
SOC in Tidal Marshes (30 - 100 cm)(165)
Above Ground Biomass(31)
Soil Organic Carbon(33)
Soil Organic Carbon1 (metric tons)(35)
Soil Organic Carbon2 (metric tons)(36)
Soil Organic Carbon3 (metric tons)(37)
Regional Datasets(38)
Coastal Protection(40)
Coastal Exposure(41)
Habitat Roles(42)
Coastal Population(43)
Protected Value(44)
Protection Index - Mangroves(45)
Protection Index - Seagrass(46)
Protection Index - Saltmarsh(47)
Blue Carbon(48)
Seagrass Soil Carbon Stock - Tonnes Soil C per ha(49)
Mangrove and Tidal Marsh Soil Carbon Stock - Tonnes Soil C per ha(50)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2050 (Levee Removal + SLR scenario) Tonnes C per ha(51)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2100 (Levee Removal + SLR scenario) Tonnes C per ha(52)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2050 (SLR Scenario) Tonnes C per ha(53)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2100 (SLR Scenario) Tonnes C per ha(54)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2050 (Top 20th %ile Risk Scenario) Tonnes C per ha(55)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2100 (Top 20th %ile Risk Scenario) Tonnes C per ha(56)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2050 (Top 50th %ile Risk Scenario) Tonnes C per ha(57)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2100 (Top 50th %ile Risk Scenario) Tonnes C per ha(58)
Port Phillip and Western Port Mangrove Biomass Carbon Stock (Mgha-1)(59)
Current Economic Value(62)
Economic Loss (10% Habitat Loss)(63)
Economic Loss (30% Habitat Loss)(64)
Economic Loss (50% Habitat Loss)(65)
Current Economic Value (Western Port)(67)
Economic Value w/30% increase in Seagrass (Western Port)(68)
Economic Value w/10% increase in Seagrass (Western Port)(69)
Current Economic Value (Port Phillip Bay)(70)
Economic Value w/30% increase in Seagrass (Port Phillip Bay)(71)
Economic Value w/10% increase in Seagrass (Port Phillip Bay)(72)
King George Whiting Juvenile Density (Port Phillip Bay)(73)
Marine Protected Areas - Victoria(74)
Coastal Ecosystems(75)
New South Wales & Victoria Coastal Ecosystems (Contemporary)(76)
Historic New South Wales Coastal Ecosystems (1940s)(77)
Historic New South Wales Coastal Ecosystems (1980s)(78)
Historic New South Wales Coastal Ecosystems (1990s)(79)
Historic Victoria Coastal Ecosystems (Pre-1750)(80)
Predicted Gain in Standing Stock (%) (82)
Gulf of California(83)
Gulf of California Mangrove Habitat Dollar Value (US)(84)
Indonesia (Lesser Sunda)(85)
Lesser Sunda Ecoregion Modeled Fish Biomass(86)
Fish Biomass, January(87)
Fish Biomass, July(88)
Predicted % Gain in Standing Stock(90)
United States(91)
USA Water Filtration by Oyster Reefs(92)
Present Filtration (Mean present ppn) (93)
Historic filtration (Mean historic ppn)(94)
USA Current Fisheries Biomass Production Due To Oyster Reefs (Tonnes)(95)
Reference Data(96)
Global Coral Reef Habitat(98)
Global Mangrove Habitat(99)
Global Seagrass Diversity (No. of Seagrass Species)(100)
Global Coral Diversity (No. of Coral Species per Ecoregion)(101)
Global Tidal Marsh Distribution(154)
Salt marsh lines(102)
Seagrass points(103)
Seagrass polygons(104)
Global Ocean Wave Height - 95th Percentile (m)(106)
Gridded Global Population (per sq km)(108)
Global population under 10m elevation (per sq km) (109)
Global GDP distributed by gridded population (US$ x 1000 per sq km)(110)
Marine and Coastal World Heritage Sites(111)
Australia Mapping Ocean Wealth(112)
Coastal Protection X(113)
Coastal Exposure(114)
Habitat Roles(115)
Coastal Population(116)
Protected Value(117)
Protection Index - Mangroves(118)
Protection Index - Seagrass(119)
Protection Index - Saltmarsh(120)
Blue Carbon X(121)
Seagrass Soil Carbon Stock(122)
Mangrove and Tidal Marsh Soil Carbon Stock(123)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2050 (Levee Removal + SLR scenario)(124)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2100 (Levee Removal + SLR scenario)(125)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2050 (SLR Scenario)(126)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2100 (SLR Scenario)(127)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2050 (Top 20th %ile Risk Scenario)(128)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2100 (Top 20th %ile Risk Scenario)(129)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2050 (Top 50th %ile Risk Scenario)(130)
Potential Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration by 2100 (Top 50th %ile Risk Scenario)(131)
Port Phillip and Western Port Mangrove Biomass Carbon Stock (Mgha-1)(132)
Recreation X(133)
Current Economic Value(135)
Economic Loss (10% Habitat Loss)(136)
Economic Loss (30% Habitat Loss)(137)
Economic Loss (50% Habitat Loss)(138)
Current Economic Value (Western Port)(140)
Economic Value w/30% increase in Seagrass (Western Port)(141)
Economic Value w/10% increase in Seagrass (Western Port)(142)
Current Economic Value (Port Phillip Bay)(143)
Economic Value w/30% increase in Seagrass (Port Phillip Bay)(144)
Economic Value w/10% increase in Seagrass (Port Phillip Bay)(145)
King George Whiting Juvenile Density (Port Phillip Bay)(146)
Marine Protected Areas - Victoria(147)
Coastal Ecosystems X(148)
New South Wales & Victoria Coastal Ecosystems (Contemporary)(149)
Historic New South Wales Coastal Ecosystems (1940s)(150)
Historic New South Wales Coastal Ecosystems (1980s)(151)
Historic New South Wales Coastal Ecosystems (1990s)(152)
Historic Victoria Coastal Ecosystems (Pre-1750)(153)
Tidal Marsh Distribution(158)
Tidal Marsh Distribution(157)
Tidal Marsh Distribution(156)
Tidal Marsh Distribution(155)
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