Heatmap of total protected value (in Australian Dollar) due to coastal protection service provided by coastal wetlands (saltmarsh, mangroves and seagrass) for coastal counties in Australia (red displays >100 grading to <1 million AUD per coastal county in blue). The protected value is estimated by calculating the difference in the total value of property exposed to coastal hazards “with” and “without” habitats included in the hazard index (see Coastal Exposure). Finally, the total protected value is summed by county and by limiting maximum distance 1 km from the coastline to match the model resolution.
(Data source: global exposure datasets from Global Assessment Report (2015) provided by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)). It contains total economic capital stock values in 4 km resolution, then resampled into 1 km resolution. This is derived from the value of property within 1 km2 of the coastline where the presence of coastal wetlands reduces the impacts of inundation from storms. |