Municipalities (0)
Island Buffer - 1 mile (1)
Island Buffer - 3 miles (2)
Islands (3)
Navigation Channels (State and Federal) (4)
| ICWW |
| State Channel |
NRCS sub-aqueous soil map (5)
NJ Tidelands Claim Line (6)
Confined Disposal Facilities (CDFs) (7)
Digital Shoreline Analysis (DSAS) - Baseline (8)
Shoreline Change Rate (9)
| < 30+ |
| 20 - 30 |
| 10 - 20 |
| 5 - 10 |
| 1 -5 |
| (-1) - 1 |
| (-5) - (-1) |
| (-10) - (-5) |
| (-20) - (-10) |
| (-30) - (-20) |
| < -( 30) |
Tidal marsh vegetation classification (10)
| High Marsh |
| Low Marsh |
| Mud Flat |
| Phragmites |
| Open Water |
| Pool and Panne |
| Terrestrial Border |
| Upland |
| No Data |
Bathymetry (11)
| 0 |
| (-1) |
| (-2) |
| (-3) |
| (-4) |
| (-5) |
| (-6) |
| (-7) |
| (-8) |
| (-9) |
| (-10) |
| (-11) |
| (-12) |
| (-13) |
| (-14) |
| (-15) |
| (-16) |
| (-17) |
| (-18) |
| (-19) |
| Depth exceeds (-20) |