Description: This dataset is a spatial representation of the most current version of municipalities in New Jersey provided by OIT/OGIS. NJDEP clipped the data using the detailed and updated layer "NJDEP Coastline of New Jersey" for various uses. Spatial accuracy was improved from earlier municipalities data by integrating features that are coincident with municipal boundaries from other high quality source data sets. <a href="" target="_blank">More Info</a>
Description: This layer was created to show an island's distance (measured from island shoreline) to mapped features and data layers such as built communities, CDFs, and navigation channels.
Description: This layer was created to show an island's distance (measured from island shoreline) to mapped features and data layers such as built communities, CDFs, and navigation channels.
Description: NJ State and Federal Navigational Channels compiled from county, state and federal sources. <a href="" target="_blank">More Info</a>
Description: This dataset shows type and extent of sub-aqueous soils (bay floor sediment) in the project area. It was obtained from the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service SSURGO dataset. <a href="" target="_blank">More Info</a>
Copyright Text: Soil Survey Staff. Gridded Soil Survey Geographic (gSSURGO) Database for New Jersey. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Available online at 20200601 (202007 official release).
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: The Tidelands claims line depicts natural waterways currently or formerly tide-flowed at mean high water. Since the elevation of mean high water may change because of rises in sea level, the Tidelands claims line does not represent the current mean high water line. Rather it depicts the mean high water line at the time of mapping as well as the historic mean high water line pre-dating artificial alterations. Note: Users of this combined statewide Tidelands layer are cautioned that this it is to be used as a reference layer only. Only the actual promulgated Tidelands maps, at the production scale of 1:2400, can be used to locate the legally valid Tidelands riparian claim line. For questions concerning possible tidelands claims, contact the Bureau of Tidelands as indicated in the accompanying metadata. <a href="" target="_blank">More Info</a>
Description: This data layer shows Confined Disposal Facilities (CDFs) located on bay islands. The full dataset was created in 2009 by the Stockton University Coastal Research Center in partnership with Ocean and Coastal Consultants Inc. in support of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Office of Maritime Resources' comprehensive long-term management strategy for dredging projects and dredged material placement, "Sustainable Capacity Material Management Plan (SCMMP) / Database Development."
Name: Digital Shoreline Analysis (DSAS) - Baseline
Display Field: Check_
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: The United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) was used to calculate shoreline change rates for 67 islands . All islands examined were within Forsythe Wildlife National Refuge or proximal to Long Beach Island. Shoreline statistics were computed every ≈ 20 meters using the 1977 NJ Tidelands Claim line and the 2015 NJ Land Use/Land Cover. The results of this analysis include Net Shoreline Movement, Shoreline Change Envelope, and End Point Rate. In addition, for each island the average rates were calculated to make interisland comparison easier.
NOTE: A Value of -9999 indicates that DSAS was not run on the selected island.
Description: The United States Geological Survey's Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) was used to calculate shoreline change rates for 67 of the bay islands that were either within Forsythe Wildlife National Refuge or proximal to Long Beach Island. Shoreline statistics were computed every ≈20 meters using the 1977 NJ Tidelands Claim line and the 2015 NJ Land Use/Land Cover. The results of this analysis include Net Shoreline Movement, Shoreline Change Envelope, and End Point Rate. In addition, for each island the average rates were calculated to make inter-island comparison easier.
NOTE: A value of -9999 indicates that DSAS was not run on the selected island.
<a href="" target="_blank">More Info</a>
Description: This dataset represents salt marsh communities in the Northeast Atlantic coast, which was was clipped to the bay islands of interest. The data are provided at a 3m resolution using 2014-2015 imagery from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) and elevation data from the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The classification includes the following cover types: 1. High marsh 2. Low marsh 3. Salt pools/pannes 4. Terrestrial border 5. Phragmites australis 6. Mudflat 7. Open Water and 8. Upland. <a href="" target="_blank">More Info</a>
Description: Bathymetric data was obtained from the USGS's New Jersey and Delaware Coastal National Elevation Database digital elevation model. This dataset has been re-projected and clipped to the project area. Elevation units are feet and the cell size is 1 meter. <a href="" target="_blank">More Info</a>