Enumeration Districts (1)
Areas potentially inundated by 3m sea level rise plus storm surge (2)
Number of people within the flood extent (3)
| Less than 10 |
| 10 - 50 |
| 51 - 75 |
| 76 - 100 |
| 101 - 130 |
Percent of admin unit within the flood extent (4)
| Less than 5% |
| 5 - 10% |
| 10 - 20% |
| 20 - 25% |
| More than 25% |
Percent of admin unit in poverty (5)
| 0 - 20% |
| 20 - 40% |
| 40 - 60% |
| 60 - 80% |
| More than 80% |
Dummy (6)
| 0.000000 - 0.298611 |
| 0.298612 - 0.434233 |
| 0.434234 - 0.527071 |
| 0.527072 - 0.603812 |
| 0.603813 - 0.842327 |
Dummy (7)
| 0.000000 - 0.298611 |
| 0.298612 - 0.434233 |
| 0.434234 - 0.527071 |
| 0.527072 - 0.603812 |
| 0.603813 - 0.842327 |
Percent of admin unit under 5 or over 65 years of age (8)
| Less than 5% |
| 5 - 10% |
| 10 - 20% |
| 20 - 30% |
| More than 30% |
Km of roads within the flood extent (9)
| Less than 1 km |
| 1 - 3 km |
| 3 - 5 km |
| 5 - 7 km |
| 7- 10 km |
Number of critical facilities in flood extent (10)
| 0 |
| 1 |
Number of emergency facilities in flood extent (11)
Number of community facilities in flood extent (12)
Number of houses per square mile (13)
| Less than 100 |
| 100 - 500 |
| 501 - 1,000 |
| 1,000 - 5,000 |
| More than 5,000 |
Climate Vulnerability Rank (14)
| Very Low |
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
Area of coral reef within 5km buffer of coastline (sqkm) (15)
| No Data |
| 0 - 250 sqkm |
| 251 - 500 sqkm |
| 501 - 1,000 sqkm |
| 1,001 - 2,000 sqkm |
| More than 2,000 sqkm |
Area of mangrove within 5km buffer of coastline (sqkm) (16)
| No Data |
| Less than 5 sqkm |
| 5 - 10 sqkm |
| 11 - 20 sqkm |
| 21 - 30 sqkm |
| 30 - 50 sqkm |
Area of seagrass within 5km buffer of coastline (sqkm) (17)
| No Data |
| Less than 100 sqkm |
| 101 - 250 sqkm |
| 251 - 500 sqkm |
| 501 - 1,000 sqkm |
| More than 1,000 sqkm |
Net change in mangrove coverage from 2013-2018 (18)
Transportation Terminal (20)
Port (21)
Airport (22)
Road (23)
Building Footprint (24)
Electric Plant (25)
Cell Tower (26)
Pumping Station (27)
Water Treatment Plant (28)
Medical Facility (29)
Emergency Shelter (30)
Fire Station (31)
Police Station (32)
Religious Center (33)
School (34)
Dominant Mangrove Vegetation (35)
| Black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) |
| Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) |
| Mud flat (emerging mangrove habitat) |
| Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) |
| White mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) |
Mangrove Migration Area (36)
Coral Reef (37)
Rocky Shore (38)
Beach (39)
Seagrass (40)
Mangrove Vulnerability Index (1m SLR) (42)
| 22 - 26 (Most Vulnerable) |
| 19 - 21 |
| 14 - 18 (Least Vulnerable) |
Mangrove Vulnerability Index (2m SLR) (43)
| 22 - 26 (Most Vulnerable) |
| 19 - 21 |
| 14 - 18 (Least Vulnerable) |
Financial Institution (46)
Cemetery (47)
Landfill (48)
1m Sea Level Rise Scenario (50)
2m Sea Level Rise Scenario (51)
Storm Surge_100 year Flood (1% annual chance) (52)
| High : 8.93645 |
| |
| Low : 5.19359e-11 |
Storm Surge_Hurricane Ivan (53)
| High : 8.85324 |
| |
| Low : 5.01697e-11 |
Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny (54)
| High : 3.046 |
| |
| Low : 5.94396e-09 |
Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny with 1 meter Sea Level Rise (55)
| High : 5.5011 |
| |
| Low : 5.96046e-06 |
Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny with 2 meter Sea Level Rise (56)
| High : 8.58943 |
| |
| Low : 1.87683e-08 |
Access to Critical Infrastructure and Facilities (58)
Dependent Demographic Groups (59)
| Low |
| Very Low |
Livelihood Dependence on Marine Goods and Services (60)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| Very Low |
Human and Civic Resources (62)
| 0.757303 - 0.863768 |
| 0.726198 - 0.757302 |
| 0.699943 - 0.726197 |
| 0.663153 - 0.699942 |
| 0.188308 - 0.663152 |
Healthy Population (63)
| 0.257530 - 0.539100 |
| 0.222439 - 0.257529 |
| 0.199348 - 0.222438 |
| 0.170360 - 0.199347 |
| 0.058065 - 0.170359 |
Economic Resources (64)
| 0.579440 - 0.842327 |
| 0.549563 - 0.579439 |
| 0.504945 - 0.549562 |
| 0.422683 - 0.504944 |
| 0.161550 - 0.422682 |
Total Sensitivity (66)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| Very Low |
Total Adaptive Capacity (67)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| Very Low |
Exposure-100 year flood (68)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| None |
Exposure-Lenny no SLR (69)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| None |
Exposure-Lenny 1m SLR (70)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| None |
Exposure-Lenny 2m SLR (71)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| None |
Vulnerability-100 year flood (72)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| None |
Vulnerability-Lenny no SLR (73)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| None |
Vulnerability-Lenny 1m SLR (74)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| None |
Vulnerability-Lenny 2m SLR (75)
| Very High |
| High |
| Medium |
| Low |
| None |
Fish Market (77)
Fishing Gear Storage (78)
Emergency Fishing Gear Storage (79)
Ship Building (80)
Landing Site (fish) (81)
Employed in Fishing (82)
Dive Center (83)
Hotel (84)
Marina (85)
Employed in Hotels/Restaurants (86)
1 meter Sea Level Rise (89)
2 meter Sea Level Rise (90)
Sea Channels (92)
Benthic Habitat (93)
| Coral algal rim |
| Deep water / Boundary |
| Dense seagrass with algae |
| Hard coral framework |
| Hardground - Gorgonian dominated |
| Hardground - Turf algae dominated |
| Land |
| Reef rubble with algae |
| Sand |
| Sparse seagrass with algae |
Modeled Wave Direction and Height (94)
Seamoss Farming (96)
Boat Building (97)
Religious Center (98)
Recreational Areas (99)
Threat - Sand Mining (100)
Grenville Bathymetry (m) (102)
Ponds (105)
Benthic Habitat (106)
| Coral algal rim |
| Deep Water |
| Dense seagrass with algae |
| Hard coral framework |
| Hardground - Gorgonian dominated |
| Hardground - Turf algae dominated |
| Land |
| Reef rubble with algae |
| Sand |
| Sparse seagrass with algae |
Seamoss Farming (108)
Recreational Areas (109)
Water Collection (110)
Sea Defenses (111)
Wharf (112)
Dive Sites (113)
Union Island Bathymetry (m) (115)
1m Sea Level Rise Scenario (118)
2m Sea Level Rise Scenario (119)
Storm Surge_100 year Flood (1% annual chance) (120)
| High : 8.93645 |
| |
| Low : 5.19359e-11 |
Storm Surge_Hurricane Ivan (121)
| High : 8.85324 |
| |
| Low : 5.01697e-11 |
Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny (122)
| High : 3.046 |
| |
| Low : 5.94396e-09 |
Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny with 1 meter Sea Level Rise (123)
| High : 5.5011 |
| |
| Low : 5.96046e-06 |
Storm Surge_Hurricane Lenny with 2 meter Sea Level Rise (124)
| High : 8.58943 |
| |
| Low : 1.87683e-08 |
Dominant Mangrove Vegetation (126)
| Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) |
| Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) |
Mangrove Migration Area (127)
Coral Reef (128)
Rocky Shore (129)
Beach (130)
Seagrass (131)
Mangrove Vulnerability Index (1m SLR) (133)
| 22 - 26 (Most Vulnerable) |
| 19 - 21 |
| 14 - 18 (Least Vulnerable) |
Mangrove Vulnerability Index (2m SLR) (134)
| 22 - 26 (Most Vulnerable) |
| 20 - 21 |
| 14 - 19 (Least Vulnerable) |
Road (137)
Building Footprint (138)
Electric Plant (140)
Cell Tower (141)
Medical Facility (143)
Emergency Shelter (144)
Fire Station (145)
Police Station (146)
Religious Center (148)
School (149)
Transportation Terminal (151)
Airport (152)
Port (153)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines census division (155)
Total population (156)
| 7483 - 22095 (High) |
| 6088 - 7482 (Medium) |
| 2716 - 6087 (Low) |
Population density (per square miles) (157)
| 7483 - 22095 (High) |
| 6088 - 7482 (Medium) |
| 2716 - 6087 (Low) |
Total number of housing units (158)
| 1992 - 6537 (High) |
| 1709 - 1991 (Medium) |
| 615 - 1708 (Low) |
Housing units density (per square mile) (159)
| 255 - 2006 (High) |
| 149 - 254 (Medium) |
| 51 - 148 (Low) |
Percentage of population under age 5 (160)
| 10.1 - 10.8 (High) |
| 9.2 - 10.0 (Medium) |
| 7.8 - 9.1 (Low) |
Percentage of population over age 65 (161)
| 8.2 - 8.4 (High) |
| 7.5 - 8.1 (Medium) |
| 4.6 - 7.4 (Low) |
Percentage of households without Internet (162)
| 98.4 - 100 (High) |
| 95.9 - 98.3 (Medium) |
| 89.1 - 95.8 (Low) |
Percentage of households without Radio (163)
| 19.9 - 28.7 (High) |
| 15.1 - 19.8 (Medium) |
| 10.0 - 15.0 (Low) |
Percentage of households without Vehicles (164)
| 91.6 - 94.0 (High) |
| 85.3 - 91.5 (Medium) |
| 70.3 - 85.2 (Low) |
Fish Market (166)
Fishing Gear Storage (167)
Ship Building (168)
Landing Site (fish) (169)
Dive Center (170)
Hotel (171)
Marina (172)
Financial Institution (174)
Cemetery (175)
Landfill (176)