Name: Probability of inundation - 1 foot SLR (MHHW)
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: This data layer represents the probability an area is at or below MHHW + 1 ft of SLR as two cumulative probability classes: Possible, representing 25% to 74.9% probability; and More Likely, representing 75% or greater probability. These probability data and class definitions were developed by the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact counties and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) as part of the regional sea level rise vulnerability assessment. <a href='methods/Inundation_Mapping_Methodology_Appendix_B.pdf' target='_blank'><b>Inundation Mapping Methods</b><a></br>
Name: Probability of inundation - 2 feet SLR (MHHW)
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: This data layer represents the probability an area is at or below MHHW + 2 ft of SLR as two cumulative probability classes: Possible, representing 25% to 74.9% probability; and More Likely, representing 75% or greater probability. These probability data and class definitions were developed by the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact counties and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) as part of the regional sea level rise vulnerability assessment. <a href='methods/Inundation_Mapping_Methodology_Appendix_B.pdf' target='_blank'><b>Inundation Mapping Methods
Name: Probability of inundation - 3 feet SLR (MHHW)
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: This data layer represents the probability an area is at or below MHHW + 3 ft of SLR as two cumulative probability classes: Possible, representing 25% to 74.9% probability; and More Likely, representing 75% or greater probability. These probability data and class definitions were developed by the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact counties and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) as part of the regional sea level rise vulnerability assessment. <a href='methods/Inundation_Mapping_Methodology_Appendix_B.pdf' target='_blank'><b>Inundation Mapping Methods
Description: This layer depicts MHHW levels plus 1 foot sea level rise by calibrating the 10ft DEM at MSL with the MHHW tidal surface and then adding 1 foot.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'
Description: This layer depicts MHHW levels plus 2 foot sea level rise by calibrating the 10ft DEM at MSL with the MHHW Tidal surface and then adding 2 feet.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'
Description: This layer depicts MHHW levels plus 3 foot sea level rise by calibrating the 10ft DEM at MSL with the MHHW Tidal surface and then adding 3 feet.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'
Description: This layer depicts MHHW levels plus 4 foot sea level rise by calibrating the 10ft DEM at MSL with the MHHW Tidal surface and then adding 4 feet.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'
Description: This surface is an interpolated storm surface based on the outputs from SLOSH using Wilma-like storm parameters at mean sea level and then adjusted to mean higher high water (MHHW) using a conversion raster generated for the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'
Description: This surface is an interpolated storm surface based on the outputs from SLOSH using Wilma-like storm parameters at mean sea level and then adjusted to mean higher high water (MHHW) plus 1 foot sea level rise using a conversion raster generated for the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'
Description: This surface is an interpolated storm surface based on the outputs from SLOSH using Wilma-like storm parameters at mean sea level and then adjusted to mean higher high water (MHHW) plus 2 feet sea level rise using a conversion raster generated for the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'
Description: This surface is an interpolated storm surface based on the outputs from SLOSH using Wilma-like storm parameters at mean sea level and then adjusted to mean higher high water (MHHW) plus 3 feet sea level rise using a conversion raster generated for the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'
Description: This surface is an interpolated storm surface based on the outputs from SLOSH using Wilma-like storm parameters at mean sea level and then adjusted to mean higher high water (MHHW) plus 4 feet sea level rise using a conversion raster generated for the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact.
<a href='xml/FL_Keys_storm_surge_methods.pdf'