Description: These zones represent monthly tide inundation areas (areas that would be flooded by normal tides once per month, on average). The water level mapped in these inundation areas is the Extreme Monthly High Water (EMHW) level, which is a high water level that is reached approximately once a month. These zones do not, however, consider coastal erosion or wave overtopping, which may change the extent and depth of regular tidal flooding in the future. There are two types of inundation areas: (1) areas that are clearly connected over the existing digital elevation through low topography, (2) and other low-lying areas that don’t have an apparent connection, as indicated by the digital elevation model, but are low-lying and flood prone from groundwater levels and any connections (culverts, underpasses) that are not captured by the digital elevation model. This difference is captured in the “Connection” attribute (either “connected to ocean over topography” or “connectivity uncertain”) in each rising tides dataset. We recommend these be mapped as separate colors. -------------------------------This feature is one in a series of coastal flood and erosion hazard zones developed as part of the Monterey Bay Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Study. For detailed documentation about how these hazard zones were developed, please see "Monterey Bay Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment: Technical Methods Report," a report prepared by ESA PWA for The Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation in March 2014.-------------------------------The name of this shapefile reflects the future scenarios and planning horizon that the hazard zone represents, as follows:"tide_area" + _ + sea level rise scenario + planning horizon-------------------------------Sea level rise scenarios:ec – Existing conditions (2010 water level)s1 – Low sea level rise (41 cm by 2100)s2 – Medium sea level rise (88 cm by 2100)s3 – High sea level rise (159 cm by 2100)-------------------------------Planning horizons:2010 (Existing conditions)203020602100
Copyright Text: Environmental Science Associates - Philip Williams Associates, Ltd. (ESA PWA), 2014
Name: Tidal Inundation (monthly in feet) 2100 High
Display Field:
Type: Raster Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: This raster represents the potential depth of inundation caused simply by rising tide levels (not considering storms, erosion, or river discharge) for high sea level rise (4.8 feet by 2100, relative to 2010) in 2100. The water level mapped in these inundation areas is the Extreme Monthly High Water (EMHW) level, which is a high water level that is reached approximately once a month (sea level rise added to the existing EMHW of 2.0 meters NAVD88). As sea level rises, the area of inundation will grow and water levels in already-inundated areas will deepen.This raster is one in a series of coastal flood and erosion hazard zones developed as part of the Coastal Resilience Ventura project. For detailed documentation about how these hazard zones were developed please see "Coastal Resilience Ventura: Technical Report for Coastal Hazards Mapping," a report prepared by ESA PWA for The Nature Conservancy.
<a href='xml/ventura_depth_s32100.xml'target='_blank'><b>Metadata</b><a></br>
Copyright Text: Environmental Science Associates - Philip Williams and Associates (ESA PWA), San Francisco and The Nature Conservancy